During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Keep Your Promises 4/19: “Promise is a big word. It either makes something or it breaks everything.” Unknown
9 months ago, Jim Henson
2024 BHS English Festival Participants.
9 months ago, Jim Henson
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Keep Your Promises 4/18: “To be responsible, keep your promises to others. To be successful, keep your promises to yourself.” Marie Forleo
9 months ago, Jim Henson
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Keep Your Promises 4/17: “People with good intentions make promises. People with good character keep them.” Unknown
9 months ago, Jim Henson
BHS 3rd 9 Weeks Honor/Merit Roll Awards. We also celebrated PBIS Week that was capped off with a school wide Rock/Paper/Scissors contest on Friday.
9 months ago, Jim Henson
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Keep Your Promises 4/16: “Don’t ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.” Lou Holtz
9 months ago, Jim Henson
Bloomfield Drama Club will be performing Rapunzel! Rapunzel! this Friday and Saturday @ 7:00 pm. For tickets visit bloomfielddrama.org.
9 months ago, Jim Henson
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Keep Your Promises 4/15: “Keep every promise you make and only make promises you can keep.” Anthony Hitt
9 months ago, Jim Henson
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Have integrity. Do what you say you’ll do. 4/12: “People may doubt what you say but they will always believe what you do.” Unknown
9 months ago, Jim Henson
Outback Ray's Amazing Animal Show was at our school today and we loved this extremely entertaining show! Students got to hold and pet these exotic animals! Thank you to our PTO for bringing this show to our school!
9 months ago, Joanna Lukz
3rd grade student with snake
seven students holding snake
students holding an animal
student holding a tortoise
student with snake
student with snake
student touching a tortoise
student petting a hairless guinea pig
student with animal on her head
On Tuesday, the Cafeteria celebrated National Farm & Animal Day and National Gardening Month. Calvin the Cow came to visit during lunch and lucky tray winners helped plant veggies for students to watch grow.
9 months ago, Joanna Lukz
Calving the Cow and HS student
Calvin the Cow
Calvin the Cow with students at lunch
Calvin the Cow with students at lunch
Lucky Tray Winners planting veggies
Lucky Tray Winners planting veggies
Lucky Tray Winners
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Have integrity. Do what you say you’ll do. 4/11: “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” Carl Gustav Jung
9 months ago, Jim Henson
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Have integrity. Do what you say you’ll do. 4/10: “Do what you say you’re going to do. And try to do it a little better than you said you would.” Jimmy Dean
9 months ago, Jim Henson
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Have integrity. Do what you say you’ll do. 4/9: “Integrity, The choice between what’s convenient and what’s right.” Tony Dungy
9 months ago, Jim Henson
Jr. High Track at Maplewood
9 months ago, Jim Henson
National Honor Society students sponsored an Egg Hunt for our Mespo students this spring. While the weather didn’t cooperate for an outdoor event, they made the best of it and create some obstacles in the gym for students to search through. They hope to make this an annual event.
9 months ago, Jim Henson
During the month of April we will focus on the pillar TRUSTWORTHINESS in our Character Counts Program. This week’s phrase is Have integrity. Do what you say you’ll do. 4/8: “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” C.S. Lewis
9 months ago, Jim Henson
The National Honor Society students created an indoor egg hunt for the K-5 students today! It was definitely an eggcellent day!
10 months ago, Joanna Lukz
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt
2024 BHS Alumni Banquet
10 months ago, Jim Henson
April 9-12 is PBIS Spirt Week!
10 months ago, Jim Henson