FinalForms Information
Bloomfield-Mespo Local Schools has partnered with Final Forms, an online forms and data management service, to simplify the back-to-school process for our families while reducing our paper usage. Final Forms allows you to complete and sign enrollment, back-to-school, and athletic/club participation forms for your students.
Final Forms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! Final Forms also pre-populates information wherever possible for each of your students, saving you time.
You may review your data at any time throughout the school year to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update or as additional forms are added. For grades 6-12, some forms will require a student signature. Instructions for Parents and Students to access their Final Forms account are below.
We are asking that ALL Bloomfield-Mespo Local parents use Final Forms
If you are currently a Bloomfield-Mespo parent who already has a Bloomfield-Mespo Final Forms account: Please login to your parent account and complete the 2022-2023 school forms. Parents must complete each individual section found in the menu on the left side of the page and “electronically sign” (type your name) where appropriate.
STUDENTS (grades 6-12)-
To access your Final Forms account:
After your Bloomfield-Mespo email account has been activated, go to Final Forms, click LogIn under Student and then click "Never logged in?" Provide your Bloomfield student email address and click Send Secure Link. A confirmation email from Final Forms will be sent to your student email account.
Back-to-school forms can only be signed by a student if the parent/guardian has completed their required forms.
Only students in grades 6-12 are required to sign forms via Final Forms.