The Bloomfield Mespo Athletic Booster Club is kicking off their annual membership drive. The Booster Club is trying to support the department at the high school. As with everything, they need money to operate. I hope you will join us again with your support. Everyone likes to know how his or her money is being spent; here is a list of what we did during 2022-23
- Donation for Pride T-shirts
- Senior Banners
- Volleyball practice equipment
- Entry for District Girls Classic Volleyball Game
- Entry for Senior Basketball Player of the Year
- Donation for Girls Basketball Uniforms
- Refreshments for three awards nights
- T-Shirts for all athletes
- Volleyball Clinic
The Bloomfield-Mespo Booster Club exists as an organization of parents and community persons dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and advancing the sports program and related activities of the Bloomfield and Mesopotamia communities, thereby cultivating clean, wholesome community spirit, promoting good sportsmanship, and developing high ideals of character.